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online slots games - free casino bonuses

online slots games - free casino bonuses

Have the children come here yet?(孩子们已经回家了吗?)I am not through with college yet .(我大学还没毕业呢。)I know nothing about it yet . (关于这件事情我还一
在现在完成时中 ever never just already yet在用法和意思上有什么区别...
I have bought two apples. 我买了两个苹果。 (“买”这一动作发生在过去,对现在造成的结果是:拥有两个苹果。)在学习这一概念的同时,还应注意常与现在完成时连用的几个副词:already,just,ever,yet,never等。
"when did he get merried?" "He___yet."
C 理由是:yet是现在完成时的标志性时间副词,所以答案只能选C。原话意思:他什么时候结婚的?他还没结婚呢!(表示从过去持续到现在的一种未婚状态)
already的意思是:已经,早已;先前。英 [ɔːlˈredi],美 [ɔːlˈredi]adv. 已经,早已;先前 例句:She says she already told the neighbours not to come over for a couple
but. however. yet用法上有什么区别。(做选择题用,不需要讲很多,只要能...
"We have yet ... " 等于"we have not yet ..."?
yet:up to the present time is note.g:I have yet to see the results 与already相对,如果yet放在句末,表否定要加上not ,e.g:We have not shaped a clear idea about our galaxy's structure yet
例句:The moon goes round the earth.翻译:月亮绕着地球转。2、earth用作动词时v. 意思是:把(电线)接地;埋入土中;躲入洞内 例句:I was brought back down to earth with a bump by this revelation.翻译:
earth n.1. 地球 2. 土壤,土 3. 大地,陆地,地面,地上 4. 【电】接地 5. 尘世,人间,世间;世俗的事 v.1. 把埋入土中,用土掩盖,给培土;把(萝卜等)保藏在土中 (up)2. 追(狐等)到洞内
1地球的英文earth读音英#604#720θ,美#604#720rθ短语搭配Earth Hour地球一小时Snowball Earth雪球地球Academic Earth地球学术2双语例句People used to think the earth was flat。那么你知道地球的英文怎么念吗?一起来学习


collect 英 [kəˈlekt] 美 [kəˈlɛkt]vt.收集;收藏;接走;聚积 vi.募捐;募集 词语搭配:collect rents收租 collect stamps收集邮票 collect privately私人收集 collect probably适当地

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collect 英 [kəˈlekt] 美 [kəˈlɛkt]vt.收集;收藏;接走;聚积 vi.募捐;募集 词语搭配:collect rents收租 collect stamps收集邮票 collect privately私人收集 collect probably适当地

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例:There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.这些夏装看上去有复古风范。例:He'd been given a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.他有一个很漂亮的办公司和复古的家具。

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例:There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.这些夏装看上去有复古风范。例:He'd been given a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.他有一个很漂亮的办公司和复古的家具。

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a thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴望 her considerable knowledge of antiques.她对古物的大量知识。the transmission of knowledge.知识的传播。the programme had been developed without his knowledge 这个程序是在他不知情的

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a thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴望 her considerable knowledge of antiques.她对古物的大量知识。the transmission of knowledge.知识的传播。the programme had been developed without his knowledge 这个程序是在他不知情的

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some phrases about "set" and "put"

put up his antiques.拍卖他的古董To make a display or the appearance of:炫耀或显示…:put up a bluff.故弄玄虚To engage in; carry on:进行:使从事于;继续进行:put up a good fight.展开一场激烈的争斗put uponTo impose

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some phrases about "set" and "put"

put up his antiques.拍卖他的古董To make a display or the appearance of:炫耀或显示…:put up a bluff.故弄玄虚To engage in; carry on:进行:使从事于;继续进行:put up a good fight.展开一场激烈的争斗put uponTo impose

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My Plan to Visit Beijing Beijing is the capital of China and a famous historical and cultural city. It has many attractions and specialties that I want to see and taste. I plan to visit Beijing for four

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My Plan to Visit Beijing Beijing is the capital of China and a famous historical and cultural city. It has many attractions and specialties that I want to see and taste. I plan to visit Beijing for four

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