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date:2024-04-16 20:03:35 人气:38

slot88: situs judi slot gacor & situs judi online terbaik

slot88: situs judi slot gacor & situs judi online terbaik

idiot和idiotic区别如下:idiot 英 [ˈɪdiət] 美 [ˈɪdiət]n. 傻瓜,笨蛋;白痴 例句:He snubbed her in public and made her feel an idiot.他当众冷落她,让她觉得自己像一
怎么翻译 白痴
anoia [医]精神失常,白痴 idiocy n.白痴样的举动; 极端愚蠢的言行 idiot n.白痴;傻瓜 retardate n.智力发展迟于正常的人[儿童], 智力迟钝者; 白痴 其中idiot是最常用的 参考资料:
Idiot 的意思是:白痴。这很贬义的,如果中文的小傻瓜、小笨蛋是带有可爱的,怜爱的意思在,如果是这些:应该用 dummy 或 sally,意思会接近点.
名言名句或时尚句 要english
Et tu, Brute? Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow Out, damned spot! All the world's a stage Oh, I am fortune's fool! Then must you speakOf One that lov'd not wisely Not that I lov'd
笨蛋的英文翻译有三种。1、第一种是:“fool”,英 [fu:l],美 [ful]。n.愚人,傻瓜; 受骗者; 有癖好的人; 受愚弄的人 vt.愚弄,欺骗; 浪费,虚度; 闹笑话; 游手好闲 vi.欺骗; 开玩笑; 戏弄 adj.愚蠢的;
《狼》 蒲松龄
he got a glimpse of the other wolf digging a hole right behind the heap, intending to attack him rear. Fortunately, the brute only managed to get half of his body in the hole, leaving his bottom and t
It is the imperative duty of the Independents to prove that this besotted brute was not Mark Twain himself: We have them at last! This is a case that admits of no shirking. The voice of the people demands in
问题一答案:“灯光”,那个严格说来应该是叫光线,一般只需要修改 正常 里的参数,修改后就可以使地图有早晨、下午、黄昏、晚上的区别了。具体修改的参数见下表。1温和:早晨 下午 黄昏 晚上 环境照明 0.750000 1.000000


自由是我们每天随口而出的词,但只有被剥夺了的人才能体会它的真正含义。·Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.我们

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自由是我们每天随口而出的词,但只有被剥夺了的人才能体会它的真正含义。·Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.我们

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这个代码是百度站长平台验证网站归属权的验证代码。站长平台: 当你添加一个网站后,百度需要验证网站是否为你所有,就会提供几种验证方式,你的这个代码就是一种验证方式。验证过后可以删除,没

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这个代码是百度站长平台验证网站归属权的验证代码。站长平台: 当你添加一个网站后,百度需要验证网站是否为你所有,就会提供几种验证方式,你的这个代码就是一种验证方式。验证过后可以删除,没

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狼狈为奸:work hand in glove with ; be banded together as traitors; be in cahoots with ; collude in doing evil; collude with as partners in crime; join in a conspiracy; join in villainy;

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狼狈为奸:work hand in glove with ; be banded together as traitors; be in cahoots with ; collude in doing evil; collude with as partners in crime; join in a conspiracy; join in villainy;

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