date:2024-04-24 17:17:25 人气:13



DAYA4D what ever 是什么意思
pron. 无论什么, 任何事物 [口](用在疑问句中表示强调)究竟(什么) 诸如此类 Do whatever you like. 做任何你喜欢做的事。 W-you do, do it well. 不论你做什么事, 都要好好地做。 Keep calm, whatever happens
乐不可支叫苦不迭的成语接龙叫苦不迭、迭矩重规、规绳矩墨、墨守成法、法轮常转、转败为成、成也萧何,败也萧何、何所不至、至当不易、易子而教、教条主义叫苦不迭的成语翻译英语:complain incessantly$日语:しき
中文转英文 各位尊敬的考官,早上好.今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位...
ood morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today,
All the Good Things翻译
剧情简介 这个童话有着与其它童话类似的开头 镜头拉近到一片很久以前、遥远而偏僻的大沼泽地,沼泽里住着一只叫史莱克(麦克·梅尔斯配)的绿色精灵,他的样子不好看但还算可爱,他有点喜欢抱怨生活,但是心地却不坏。他无忧
If sure you want to place an order, please pay a deposit, before December 15 orders, after December 15th will not be delivered in January 18, our factory will since January 18, a month off.
string cmdtext = "select * from Orders where orderid = '"+or...
string cmdtext = "select from Orders where orderid = '"+orderid+"'"这一句是要构造一条SQL语句(查询语名)字符串,最终赋值给cmdtext这个变量 而且要将变量orderid做为参数值动态的添加进这条语句中去,在SQL语句中
硬要翻译是不地道的英语,其实可以说是Hope we can do/make business /co-operate successfully.如果要说的话,可以说成是You are welcome to purchase our products.
back to back ordering 是什么意思?
back to back ordering 的中文:货物供应方与买家之间不发生直接交易,相关货物的购买需要通过一个中间商来完成。相似短语 1、ordering effect建序效应 2、ordering domain有序畴 3、ordering strategy排序策略 ordering 读法 英


例:There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.这些夏装看上去有复古风范。例:He'd been given a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.他有一个很漂亮的办公司和复古的家具。

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例:There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.这些夏装看上去有复古风范。例:He'd been given a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.他有一个很漂亮的办公司和复古的家具。

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a thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴望 her considerable knowledge of antiques.她对古物的大量知识。the transmission of knowledge.知识的传播。the programme had been developed without his knowledge 这个程序是在他不知情的

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a thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴望 her considerable knowledge of antiques.她对古物的大量知识。the transmission of knowledge.知识的传播。the programme had been developed without his knowledge 这个程序是在他不知情的

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put up his antiques.拍卖他的古董To make a display or the appearance of:炫耀或显示…:put up a bluff.故弄玄虚To engage in; carry on:进行:使从事于;继续进行:put up a good fight.展开一场激烈的争斗put uponTo impose

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put up his antiques.拍卖他的古董To make a display or the appearance of:炫耀或显示…:put up a bluff.故弄玄虚To engage in; carry on:进行:使从事于;继续进行:put up a good fight.展开一场激烈的争斗put uponTo impose

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My Plan to Visit Beijing Beijing is the capital of China and a famous historical and cultural city. It has many attractions and specialties that I want to see and taste. I plan to visit Beijing for four

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My Plan to Visit Beijing Beijing is the capital of China and a famous historical and cultural city. It has many attractions and specialties that I want to see and taste. I plan to visit Beijing for four

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antiques, calligraphy and paintings.The Ancient is the flourishing town centralizes leisure ,tourist and shopping .The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” becomes another tourist options for Shanghaiese with the

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antiques, calligraphy and paintings.The Ancient is the flourishing town centralizes leisure ,tourist and shopping .The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” becomes another tourist options for Shanghaiese with the

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