
date:2024-04-26 02:55:41 人气:93



Inatogel disgusting offensive horrible的区别与用法
disgusting offensive horrible的区别为:意思不同、侧重不同、用法不同。一、意思不同 1、disgusting:形容词:令人反感的,令人恶心的;令人吃惊的,让人无法接受的。2、offensive:形容词:无礼的,冒犯的;令人不快(讨厌
horrible 是不是元音 用an 还是a
mr li has one fox 是指这句话中的每个字母,这些字母的发音都是以元音音素开头的,所以用an 比如: There is an "M" in the word " mother". mother这个单词中含有一个M.加a还是an 主要看这个单词的音标,第
horrible; dreadful; fearful; frightful;terrible;awful,这几个词都...
afraid,fearful,awful,dreadful,frightful,terrible,horrible,terrific,appalling 这些形容词均含“害怕的、可怕的”之意。afraid指由于胆小或怯懦而不敢说或做某事。fearful普通用词,既指外界情况变化而引起的恐惧,又指来自内心
中文译为【可怕】近义词有:terrible;; dreadful; fearful; awesome
terrible与horrible的区别 terrible可怕的,指程度 horrible厌恶的恐...
terrible 应用更广泛,恶心,糟糕都可以,horrible 只是针对恐怖,
吓死本宝宝了 - 用Terrible还是Horrible (看老友记学英语)
3. The food at the hotel was horrible.旅馆里的食物糟透了 可以看出来, horrible 更强调恐怖的,可怕的,是一种很强的心理感受。最后总结一下:Terrible 表示的是一种非常糟糕的状态,但并不会让人产生“恐怖,害怕”
more horrible most horrible
horrific ,horrible,terrific,和terrible的区别是什么
It's me 和 It's I 的区别???
It's me 和 It's I 的区别:1、英语是It's me. 按语法是I,但是现有语言,而后有总结出来的语法,语法应让步于语言习惯。2、It's I是语法中正确的形式,但一般口语中都说it's me. It's I的说法很正式。3


Time drives not the wine of truth, but distance does not move the hand of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life. 39、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。 It's not being in love that mak

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Time drives not the wine of truth, but distance does not move the hand of longing. Miss you, until forever The end of life. 39、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。 It's not being in love that mak

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Then with longing I recall 我想着 T he years I spent with you. 同你一起的岁月 Mama, I miss the days 妈妈,我多怀念 When you were near to guide me 你在我身边 Mama, those happy days 妈妈,那幸福的

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Then with longing I recall 我想着 T he years I spent with you. 同你一起的岁月 Mama, I miss the days 妈妈,我多怀念 When you were near to guide me 你在我身边 Mama, those happy days 妈妈,那幸福的

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1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain iv 1 tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own

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1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain iv 1 tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own

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单曲"Longing~迹切Melody~" ,"LONGING ~ 切望の夜"相继产生。 96年3月19日由CLAMP创作的动画巨片"X"公映,其主题曲是X-Japan的"Forever Love",它成为X-Japan 最杰出的代表作.7月8日"Forever Love"作为X的第十二张单曲正式发行

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单曲"Longing~迹切Melody~" ,"LONGING ~ 切望の夜"相继产生。 96年3月19日由CLAMP创作的动画巨片"X"公映,其主题曲是X-Japan的"Forever Love",它成为X-Japan 最杰出的代表作.7月8日"Forever Love"作为X的第十二张单曲正式发行

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The longing after something's lost, 在失去后为之感到珍惜的, The spirit's yearning cry, 使灵魂深切地呼喊着的, The striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的- These things can never die. 这些美好不会消逝

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The longing after something's lost, 在失去后为之感到珍惜的, The spirit's yearning cry, 使灵魂深切地呼喊着的, The striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的- These things can never die. 这些美好不会消逝

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